Tag: Technology

  • Typefaces

    Updated February 5, 2014 to correctly display the LaTeX screenshot, minor prose edits, and added discussion of font styles. I do not know if you have a favorite font. I do. I really like Microsoft’s Calibri font because it is very readable on screen and paper and it looks professional. With that in mind, it…

  • Does the Bathroom Fan Do Anything?

    Other than make noise, that is. I built the most recent version of my Arduino-based data logger (the RIMU), and was looking for something to log. I’ve had this question for many, many years—does the bathroom fan actually do anything? It makes noise, deafening Niagara falls thundering noise. The mirror still gets foggy, though, and…

  • PaintShop Photo Pro X3

    The latest version of Corel Paint Shop Pro is now apparently called PaintShop Photo Pro X3.  Perhaps they’ll eventually regret their ridiculous naming. Many things are the same since the previous version.  The obvious differences are that the menus have been re-colored to be higher contrast.  I find it overdone and a little garish, but…

  • Corel Releases New Paint Shop Pro

    Despite Corel’s dreadful marketing, it appears today’s quasi-clandestine webinar was to unveil a new version of Paint Shop Pro, now with the awkward name Paint Shop Photo Pro X3.  For pity’s sake. However, it appears to have included at least two things I care about: Better speed by multithreading (though there is no indication of…

  • Old Family Pictures

    For Christmas I received a box of slides that had belonged to my grandfather. The slides were 35 mm taken between 1955 and 1961, in a mixture of black and white and color. I do not own a slide projector, and some of the film was starting to deteriorate, by yellowing or showing blotches where…

  • Behold! A Number Pad.

    My beloved Advance clock died about two months ago.  It did not surprise me to learn that there is no equivalent marketed anywhere at any price.  I post this picture in honor of this acme of alarm clocks.