Tag: Software

  • Chutes and Ladders Infinite Loop

    I play Chutes and Ladders with my kids sometimes. It isn’t a game of skill. Many months ago I was involved in a game that went on and on and on. As soon as someone would get close to the end he or she would land on a chute and be shunted nearly back to…

  • Revised Raspberry Pi TrueCrypt Benchmark

    Revised March 31, 2013 with updated benchmarking approach that uses actual access to the mounted volume. New results show no appreciable sensitivity to hash, which is as expected. The numbers are for encryption only (write). I have not pursued read. Hash Algorithm Encryption Algorithm Rate (MB/s) SHA-512 Twofish 2.8 Whirlpool Twofish 2.8 RIPEMD-160 Twofish 2.8…