Tag: RaspberryPi

  • Monsoon

    In the desert it almost never rains. I know, you know. When I lived in upstate New York, in my foolish youth, I bought a motorcycle in the beginning of April. I was anxious to learn to ride. Too bad, because it rained every day for an entire month. Now I live in New Mexico.…

  • Candle Flame Flicker

    For a project I wanted to make an LED flicker like a candle. I searched for the signal statistics of candle flicker, and I found no data. One student web site suggests that candle flame flicker is a 1/f-type random signal with roll-off of 20 dB per decade increase in frequency. Similar processes are typical…

  • Raspberry Pi Character LCD Degree Symbol

    It is inevitable that you will want to write the degree symbol to your 16×2 character LCD once you have it wired to the Pi. My son wired it up, and then wanted to display the degree symbol. In the past I have solved that problem for the Arduino using the Adafruit character LCD Arduino…

  • Revised Raspberry Pi TrueCrypt Benchmark

    Revised March 31, 2013 with updated benchmarking approach that uses actual access to the mounted volume. New results show no appreciable sensitivity to hash, which is as expected. The numbers are for encryption only (write). I have not pursued read. Hash Algorithm Encryption Algorithm Rate (MB/s) SHA-512 Twofish 2.8 Whirlpool Twofish 2.8 RIPEMD-160 Twofish 2.8…

  • Raspberry Pi TrueCrypt Benchmark

    Note: The results in this post have been improved with more accurate values at Revised Raspberry Pi TrueCrypt Benchmark. I recently acquired a Raspberry Pi model B 512 MB from the excellent people at Adafruit. I am interested in it as a small computer for basic text processing, and am curious about its performance in…