Tag: Photography

  • Focus Stacking, First Stumbling Steps

    Edit: 2009/01/30, evening.  After much searching I relocated an incredible site I had encountered before.  Charles Krebs’ work is really, really, incredible.  I was motivated to explore focus stacking after seeing image 29 in gallery 8, which I believe was produced with stacking.  Dig around his page, it is really awesome. — Original — I…

  • Color Management – Reprise

    I noticed that what I included in my post Introducing… does not look the same on my monitor as it does on my friends’ monitors. While I expected some of that, I observed that the effects of interest were not at all visible, particularly the posterization. To solve that, here’s a quick comparison, done by…

  • The Color of Software

    Philosophy of Use This article is rather long.  Please scan ahead to the pictures to see where we are going, then come back and slog through the details. The basic tasks I’ve needed to perform on digital photos since my first digital camera (a Canon G3, may it rest in peace) are: orientation flipping cropping…

  • Introducing…

    Color management in digital photography, with an emphasis on photo labs.