Hades and the Sandwich

About two months ago I started to tell my young son stories, to teach him the idea of narrative. The stories are almost always about a medium sized dog named Hades, who is extraordinarily clever for a dog. Hades lives with his family: Mommy, Daddy, William, and Elizabeth and has many adventures.

In the last few weeks Liam has begun to tell me stories of Hades’ adventures. This is one of those stories.

Listen along as Liam tells it.

Once upon a time there was a dog named Hades. Hades was a very clever dog. And smart. This is the story of when Hades got to eat a sandwich.

Now it was the first day of September, and everyone was planning to go out for dinner. What they always got every time they went to that place, it was called Mouse Begins Earth, and was such a good place. They got a big sandwich. They got eight foot-longs for all four of them, because the foot-longs were so good.

The kind of foot-longs there were was all kinds of foot-longs. There was one with cheese and ham, and there was one with some meat and pork chop and hot dog. The other one was about sound, it was called sound meat. It was sooo good.

They got that every time they went to that restaurant. And that’s why they liked it. And Hades, he was allowed to go to that restaurant, but no helping dogs were allowed because they wouldn’t work, they would be too wild. But regular dogs would be good.

And Hades would eat some of that sandwich. So they would get 9 foot-longs but one with just dog food inside of it for Hades. And Hades liked that dog food sandwich, it was OK. I guess he liked it, but it was OK. So Hades ate that sandwich and they went home but it was four o’clock in the afternoon because they left so early that they didn’t have time to do anything else. So they just sat around and watched TV.

The End


4 responses to “Hades and the Sandwich”

  1. Gotta love the attention to dates and times and length of the sandwich! He’ll be great around a campfire!

  2. Awesome story. I definitely think the storytelling has paid off – he did a great job!

    The meat/pork chop/hot dog sandwich reminded me of my son’s request for his birthday dinner. We asked him what he wanted for his birthday dinner and he said, “sausage, …. and pork, and steak, and a burrito.”

  3. Do you feed that kid? He sounds hungry!

  4. tina christodouleas Avatar
    tina christodouleas

    I am so impressed with his ability to stay so focused on the main plot, AND still while adding so much description. Good job, Liam! Please come and tell Naia some night time stories as I’m all out of ideas!