3D Printed Theodolite and Survey for Stellarium

Results of local horizon survey in my backyard

For years I’ve wanted a theodolite but even used they are not particularly affordable. To support planning sky viewing a wanted to be able to survey the obscuration from buildings and trees in my front and back yards. Thingiverse offered the answer–a printable 1 degree resolution theodolite. I ended up remixing it and you can find it and chase links for the other parts it needs at Thingiverse.

Print from black PETG. Numbers on the azimuth plate were colored white with acrylic paint applied to sheet of paper and then the azimuth plate “stamped” onto the paint.

I had to remix the design to support my red dot finder scope (shown mounted in this photo). The metal bit in the center is 3/8-16 rivet nut which attaches to my tripod. I level the theodolite with spirit levels in two directions.

I used this kit to survey my front and back yards from strategic locations. Not great viewing from either but I get a little better southern horizon view from the front yard.

Back yard at 10 degree azimuth steps.
Front yard at 10 degree azimuth steps. Notice vertical scale is very different.