Category: Podcast
Thistle and The Bear on Autumn and Halloween
Thistle and the Bear talk about autumn, and especially about Halloween traditions. My seven year old daughter practices her typing with a writing prompt most days. When asked to type about what she likes about Halloween, the wrote this: I like Halloween because we have a funny dinner and we go trick-or-treating in the dark.…
Thistle and The Bear on Writing
We talk about writing, and answer listener mail. A few books we reference: A Tree Grows in Brooklyn by Betty Smith. QED by Richard Feynman, also consider Surely You’re Joking Mr. Feynman by the same author. The Writing System for Scientists and Engineers by Edmond Weiss is now out of print, but is an excellent…
Thistle and The Bear on Hens
Thistle and The Bear talk about a few of the facets of urban living with chickens. Links from the podcast: is a great resource, as is Backyard Poultry Magazine. Dan’s Boots and Saddles is the local feed store where we acquired our chicks and buy our chicken food. Thanks to our musicians, Keytronic.
Thistle and The Bear on Ritual in Our Lives
Thistle and The Bear talk about important rituals, like a daily cup of tea. How rituals are important to us, and why.
Very Bad Food
Thistle and The Bear discuss share their worst culinary creations in history. Music courtesy of Keytronic licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0. Spoken word licensed under Creative Commons Non-commercial Attribution 3.0