Category: Be Prepared

  • Rocket Stove

    Maybe you’ve stored 100 pounds of wheat kernels, 75 pounds of beans, barrels of water and you’re all set for whatever municipal unreliability may bring. One question: How will you cook the food you’ve stored? In Food Storage and Refried Beans, back in April 2009,  I determined that to cook 100 pounds of beans would…

  • Food Storage and Refried Beans

    A solid storage plan includes food, and also anything else you need to make the stored food into something edible. The difficulty is that none of the food storage guides or recipe books I have list how much fuel to store in order to make their recipes. To rectify this, I have begun measuring fuel…

  • 100% Whole Wheat Dutch Oven Bread

    The Results This bread is very different from the artisanal style with white flour. It is more flavorful, the crust has a similar chewiness and resilience, and the crumb is nice. It is, however, denser than I like. On the whole it is quite pleasant to eat, but there is room for improvement. The color…

  • Food Storage: Bread

    My oven is gas+electric. The thermostat and ignition are electric, but the heat is from gas. In a power failure my oven would serve well as a cabinet. In the back yard, though, I can cook in a Dutch oven, just like I used to in Boy Scouts. Until last fall I had never seen…

  • Food Storage Requirements

    Storage of food and affiliated supplies could be a real hassle. It could also be expensive. However, if your plan satisfies some basic requirements it will be both serviceable to your family and economical. Possibly it will enhance your daily health…at least if you eat like me. My requirements for a food storage plan are…

  • Food Storage: An Unconsidered Idea

    A friend of mine intimated today that his food storage plan was principally MRE (meals ready-to-eat), like they use in the military. He noted that the nutritional shelf life was essentially eternal, though I wonder if they would outlast a Twinkie. He commented that the meat loaf meal was particularly yummy. I hadn’t considered these…

  • On Food Storage

    I post this at the risk seeming paranoid, I’m not. I care deeply about my family’s welfare. Prudence, and my Boy Scout training, compel me to be prepared. Although I’m a food storage novice, I have asked questions not answered in books. My food storage series of posts is about spreading what I learned that…