Category: Amusing Stories

  • The Light of My Breakfast

    Cool thing in my bowl a few weeks ago. A Cheerio with a halo. Like a skinny O, the halo goes all the way around the top of the more saintly O.

  • Chutes and Ladders Infinite Loop

    I play Chutes and Ladders with my kids sometimes. It isn’t a game of skill. Many months ago I was involved in a game that went on and on and on. As soon as someone would get close to the end he or she would land on a chute and be shunted nearly back to…

  • Hungry Mouth

    I wasn’t there when it happened, but the story I heard is that the kids were riding in the car. The younger said “Baby Hungry”. The older looked at her mouth and scolded, “you’re not hungry. I can tell by your mouth. If you were hungry your tongue would be more red!” Mommy, naturally, thought…

  • Hades and the Sandwich

    About two months ago I started to tell my young son stories, to teach him the idea of narrative. The stories are almost always about a medium sized dog named Hades, who is extraordinarily clever for a dog. Hades lives with his family: Mommy, Daddy, William, and Elizabeth and has many adventures. In the last…

  • Dogs on the Roof

    Oh, the things you’ll see. After dinner yesterday I was looking out the kitchen window, and lo, there were dogs on the roof of the house across the street. Two medium sized, confident, bold, and clearly well-loved dogs. The story evolved a little, but I’ll never tell it better than the pictures.