Category: Uncategorized

  • Ear Tips for Noise Canceling Headphones

    Most people have never tried in-ear headphones. They get ear wax on them, so to don’t share well. Wearing them on stage, musicians can hear their own instruments without going deaf. Since musicians use them for performance in-ear headphones are also called monitors, just like the speakers that point toward the band from the front…

  • Some Curious Micrographs

    We have an old microscope and a camera adapter for it. Occasionally we dig it out, and light some small stuff up. Several weeks ago my son’s science workbook had a multiple choice question, roughly “which of these would look different under a microscope” salt in water sugar in water pollen in water An experiment…

  • In Youth and Beauty

    I bought two pieces of art to hang from my son’s elementary school. I loved them immediately. The abstract tiles where done by my son’s 3rd and 4th grade class. The tree was made by a 1st and 2nd grade class. Both pieces of art are really lovely. The tree has a cool property, like…

  • Arduino Flickering Candle

    Update December 24, 2013: Mokus refined his code so that the distribution is now well-behaved (nearly normal) and the PSD no longer turns up at high frequencies). The plots and post have been updated to reflect this change. He will push code to the same link as available. In my previous post on Candle Flame…

  • Bespoke Monitor Stand

    I’m using two reams of paper to hold my monitor at the right height. These reams are totally functional. However, I’m trying to learn to make passable hand-cut dovetail joints and I had material from an old keyboard tray that does not fit with my office’s new furniture. As a tangent, before starting this project…

  • Sushi Dinner

    Tonight we made a sushi dinner, and for the first time included kid-specific items. I used sweetened egg, tamago, sheet cut and pressed with rice in cookie cutters. We made stars and sushi boys. They love the California rolls, shrimp pieces, and vegetable-tamago rolls as much, but it was still fun to make. My rice…

  • Behold! A Number Pad.

    My beloved Advance clock died about two months ago.  It did not surprise me to learn that there is no equivalent marketed anywhere at any price.  I post this picture in honor of this acme of alarm clocks.

  • Food Storage and Refried Beans

    A solid storage plan includes food, and also anything else you need to make the stored food into something edible. The difficulty is that none of the food storage guides or recipe books I have list how much fuel to store in order to make their recipes. To rectify this, I have begun measuring fuel…

  • Broken Clamp

    Sometimes things happen. Fortunately, there were no injuries. I was using this lump of crud to clamp some wood pieces while the glue cured. Or rather, I was trying to do so. The tension I had on the clamp was modest; certainly didn’t have bear down on the screw. Oh well, cheap tools. This is…

  • Subscribing to this blog

    I use RSS to subscribe to my friends’ blogs, and to feeds from certain authors I enjoy. Subscribe, in this case, means that I go one place to see if anything new has appeared on myriad sources. The software or service that assembles all your subscriptions in one place is called an aggregator. I use…